League Details

  • 16 week league; 9 holes
  • Weekly set tee time; tee times will start at 8:00 a.m. You will be given the same set tee time each week.
  • Individual points quota game
  • Handicaps are a league average
  • Weekly optional side games
  • League will rotate between front 9 and back 9 each week if we recruit enough new league members

Registration & Fees

  • Initial registration fee of $80; this funds your weekly prize events & season end banquet.
  • Weekly greens fee of $18 walking or $28 riding to be paid weekly
  • In an effort to expand the league we are opening it up to more players this will allow you to rotate between front 9 and back 9 weekly. We need a minimum of 24 new players.

League Rules

Players are required to play/pay on a weekly basis or find a substitute for their vacant spot.

Players that do not show or are unable to find a sub are required to pay the missed weeks greens fee the following week.

USGA Rules of Golf will Govern play; Local Rules listed on weekly format sheets.

Men 60 and over will play the yellow tees, Men 59 and under will play the white tees, Women will play the red tees.

Get In Touch

Phone: (608) 839-5656

Fax: (608) 839-4519


4321 Vilas Road

Cottage Grove, WI 53527